Central DuPage Hospital
Central DuPage Hospital, 25 North Winfield Road, Winfield, Illinois 60190
Central DuPage Hospital is located in Winfield, Illinois which is approximately 4.8 miles from the center of the City of Chicago. Its overall rating is three stars out of five. The hospital provides acute care and emergency department services. It participates in nursing care and general surgery registries. These registries help hospitals collect and analyze data to improve care. Participating in a registry does not mean that a hospital specializes in or only provides this type of care.
Central DuPage Hospital tracks patients’ lab results, tests and referrals electronically between visits. The hospital uses outpatient and inpatient safe surgery checklists. This shows whether the hospital uses the safe surgery practice before administering anesthesia, before incision and closing and prior to the patient leaving the operating room for outpatient surgical procedures.
Central DuPage Hospital is now under the wing of Northwestern Medicine and is referred to now as Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital.
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital is a nationally recognized 333 bed acute-care facility. It is a leader in medical technology and has one of the most extensive surgical facilities in Illinois.
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital is associated with more than 1,040 physicians representing 90 specialties. According to its website, Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital is a regional destination for oncology, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics and cardiology care.
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital serves much of the Chicago area’s DuPage County. The hospital is also affiliated with the Northwestern Medicine Feinberg School of Medicine.
The website to the hospital is: https://www.nm.org/locations/central-dupage-hospital.