
Adventist Hinsdale Hospital

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, 120 N. Oak Street, Hinsdale, IL 60521

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital receives an overall rating of four stars out of five. The overall rating is a summary of quality measures found on the website Hospital Compare. These measures reflect common conditions that hospitals treat for its patients. Some hospitals may perform more complex services or procedures not reflected in the measures on Hospital Compare. All of the ratings and surveys that are attached to any hospital should be discussed thoroughly with your physician or medical provider to determine the best hospital for your treatment of your medical condition.

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital is an acute care hospital with emergency department services. Adventist Hinsdale Hospital participates in the nursing care registry and general surgery registry. The hospital is able to track patients’ lab results, tests and referrals electronically between visits. Adventist Hinsdale Hospital uses outpatient and inpatient safe surgery checklists. These checklists are valuable to hospitals in that they show safe surgery practices before administering anesthesia, before incision and closing and before the patient leaves the operating room for outpatient procedures.

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital is located in Hinsdale, Illinois which is a western suburb to Chicago. It is located approximately 19.8 miles from the center of the city limits of Chicago.

The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (HCAHPS) is a national survey system that surveys patients about their experiences during a recent hospital stay. Using these survey results for Adventist Hinsdale Hospital are compared to other hospitals show the public comparisons between hospitals based on eleven important hospital quality topics.

In the patient survey, Adventist Hinsdale Hospital rated four stars out of five. Patients at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital reported that the nurses “always” communicated well with them at the rate of 83%. The Illinois and national averages are both 80% in this category. Adventist Hinsdale Hospital patients reported that their doctors “always” communicated well at the rate of 83%. The Illinois and national averages are both 82%. 70% of Adventist Hinsdale Hospital patients reported that they “always” received help as soon as they wanted it, whereas the Illinois and national averages were both 69%.

80% of Adventist Hinsdale Hospital patients reported that they would definitely recommend this hospital to others. This percentage was higher than both the Illinois and national averages which stand at 71% and 72%, respectively. Patients who are admitted to the hospital for medical problems often times get other serious injuries, complications or conditions that lead to more dramatic and extensive medical care. Some patients may experience problems soon after they are discharged and need to be readmitted to the hospital. It has been suggested that these events can be prevented in many cases if hospitals would follow best practices for treating their patients. In terms of surgical complications at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, the rate of complications for hip/knee replacement patients was no different than the national rate of 3%. Serious complications following a surgery at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital was again no different than the national rate at 0.90%. Deaths among patients with serious complications after surgery was the same as the national rate at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital at 136.48 per 1,000 patient discharges.

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital offers a full range of services. From acute care and obstetrics to cardiac and emergency care, the hospital is committed to providing patients with excellent care to the community it serves according to its website.

The website address for Adventist Hinsdale Hospital is:

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Client Reviews
“We were devastated when our 31 year-old son was killed by a negligent driver. Kreisman Law Offices did everything to help us through this very difficult time, including coming out to the house several times which was a comfort. My wife and I were extremely pleased with Mr. Kreisman’s compassion and care for this very tragic and troubling time.” C.B.
“Bob Kreisman did everything possible in handling the trial of this case. It was devastating that I traumatically lost my leg above the knee in this truck accident. However, it was not an easy case to win. His staff was so prepared for the trial that it was not surprising that the settlement offers continued to rise until we finally accepted the multi-million settlement while the jury was still deciding the case. My wife and I were delighted that we could secure our future with this settlement. We thank Mr. Kreisman and his incredible staff for working so hard for our benefit.” T.P.
“My mother died because doctors dropped the ball. I called Robert Kreisman and he immediately set up an appointment for my entire family. We met at his offices and I was very comfortable that he would do the best for my dad and my brothers. He spent hours with all of us in preparing for depositions and he hired top notch experts, all of which contributed to an incredible settlement before trial. I know that he is dedicated to his cases and particularly to the people he works for and the people who work with him. He continues to be generous in contributing annually to my mother’s memory and to make known to the public the signs and symptoms of brain tumors.” V.S.
“My dad was ignored and mistreated at the nursing home that we placed him in. It didn’t take long for us to realize that we made a big mistake, particularly after my dad developed these terrible bedsores. We transferred him as we were contacting Mr. Kreisman. He was referred to us by a lawyer we have known for a long time and respect his opinion. Mr. Kreisman and his staff worked tirelessly to resolve this case. We were fortunate to have his services and will recommend him to anyone.” T.J.
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