Product Defects

When a product injures someone, it may be because of a design or manufacturing defect. Product defects usually are one of these categories:
- Marketing defects
Defects regarding the manner in which the product was sold/marketed. This type of defect includes inadequate warnings and instructions. For example, if a bicycle came with instructions that incorrectly outlined how to assemble the vehicle which resulted in an unsafe and unstable product, then this would be a marketing defect.
- Design defects
Defects dealing with a fault in the design related to the product's intended use. For example, if a chair tipped more easily because it was designed with only three legs rather than four, then it would be defective because of the way it was designed.
- Manufacturing defects
Defects resulting from manufacturing defects are those that have a function design, but encountered errors during the manufacturing process. For example, a defective toy is recalled for violating the lead pain standard because too much lead was added during production. Because the defect arose from a failure at the manufacturing/ production level and not a marketing or design level, it is a manufacturing defect.
Illinois law allows recovery against manufacturers, sellers and distributors responsible for products that present a danger to consumers and users as a result of defects in design and/or the manufacturing process. If you have been injured as a result of using a product, you may be able to receive compensation for your injuries under the Illinois products liability or negligence laws.
The Chicago lawyers at Kreisman Law Offices have more than 40 years of trial experience, trying jury cases in product defect device cases. If you or someone you love has been injured by a product defect, please call us 24 hours a day at 312.346.0045 or toll free 800.583.8002 for a free and immediate consultation, or complete a contact form online.