Sam Rios Jr., 86, was admitted to Pine Creek Care Center for a rehabilitation stay after suffering a fractured hip. Over the next two weeks, he developed two pressure sores. One of the pressure sores was diagnosed as being Stage IV. Rios died almost a year later and suffered pain…
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Resident Bed Sores
$1 Million Jury Verdict in Nursing Home’s Failure to Prevent Sacral Pressure Sore
Carlos Ruiz, 84, suffered from advanced dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. He was admitted to Palm Garden of Aventura with a diagnosis of “functional decline.” While at the facility, he developed a sacral pressure ulcer, which later became infected. Ruiz died of this condition. He was survived by his four children.…
$200,000 Settlement in Wrongful Death of Nursing Home Resident
While a resident at Buckingham Valley Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Walter Dendall developed pressure sores, UTIs, pneumonia, enterocolitis, C. difficile, renal failure and septic shock, all which led to his untimely death. The Riley estate sued the nursing home, alleging negligence, wrongful death and survival claims. Before trial, the parties…
$1.4 Million Jury Verdict in Nursing Home Resident’s Death Following Infected Pressure Ulcers
Ida Donaway, 86, was admitted to the Woodview nursing home; she had been living there for four months. At the time of her admission, she suffered from speech issues and left hemiparesis or partial paralysis. While a resident at this facility, she developed a Stage IV sacral pressure ulcer that…
Improper Wound Care at Nursing Home Results in Undisclosed Settlement Amount
Shirley Salesky was admitted to Rose Garden Rehabilitation and Nursing at Ann’s Choice to undergo physical therapy. At the time of her admission, the records noted that she had a reddened sacrum but no other skin breakdown. Salesky was diagnosed as having two Stage II sacral pressure sores five days…
$75,000 Settlement in Failure to Prevent Pressure Sores at Nursing Home
Caledonia Dela Pena, 91, suffered a fall at home; she sustained a fractured femur. She was admitted to Bryn Mawr Terrace facility where a skin assessment revealed intact skin with no rashes. After Dela Pena’s discharge several days later, she was taken to a hospital emergency room where she was…
$185,000 Settlement Reached in Nursing Home’s Failure to Prevent Fall During Transfer
Norma Jay Drye, a 65-year-old woman who suffered from dementia and other health problems, lived at Hillcrest Center Nursing Home. One morning, a nursing home assistant attempted to transfer her from a bed to a chair using a sit-to-stand Hoyer lift. Drye dropped to the floor during the transfer and…
$125,000 Settlement in Nursing Home’s Failure to Prevent and Treat Pressure Sores
Cecil Smith Sr. was admitted to the Sandpiper Rehab & Nursing facility. Shortly after his admission, he developed a deep sacral pressure ulcer or bed sore that became infected. The opening in the skin caused by the pressure ulcer led to complications that caused Smith’s death less than a year…
$4.87 Million Judgment in Failure to Develop Care Plan at Nursing Home
Matthew Farrell suffered traumatic brain injury after being injured in a motor vehicle crash. He was admitted to Solterra at Castle Rock, a skilled nursing facility. At the time of the admission, he could not move his legs. He was completely dependent on the facility for his hygiene, medical treatment…
$1.4 Million Judgment in Inadequate Staffing in Nursing Home Case
After being hospitalized for a stroke, Calvin Thigpen, 68, was admitted to Waters Edge Rehabilitation & Care Center in a vegetative state. During approximately the next six months, he developed pressure sores on his sacrum, his heel and the back of his head. In addition, he suffered infections and a…