Elizabeth Tigani, 32, was admitted to Greenwich Hospital to deliver her first child. She was 40 weeks pregnant at the time. Since the second stage of labor lasted a long time, she requested a cesarean section but was allegedly told that a vaginal delivery was safe. However, early the next morning Tigani was taken to the operating suite for a cesarean section.
In that surgery, she suffered serious and permanent injuries to her uterus, vagina, bladder, among other problems, but the baby was born uninjured. Having experienced many complications in surgery, she is not able to have other children.
Tigani sued Westchester Medical Group, P.C., alleging that her injuries were due to the treating obstetrician’s delay in performing a cesarean section and surgical negligence. Tigani also claimed that the ob
stetrician chose not to engage in a shared decision-making process and allowed her to endure a prolonged second stage of labor.
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