
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Delayed Treatment of Stroke Leads to DuPage County Woman’s Death – Medina v. Echiverri, M.D., et al

In order to achieve the best possible outcome following a stroke, doctors and medical staff must identify the emergency situation and react quickly. Medicines aimed at breaking up blood clots that may have caused a thrombotic stroke have been found to increase survival rates and lessen the likelihood of permanent…


Cook County Surgical Malpractice Verdict Reviewed on Issues of Sole Proximate Cause – Robinson v. Boffa

The Illinois Appellate Court recently affirmed a Cook County Circuit Court verdict in favor of the defendant surgeon in Robinson v. Boffa, No. 1-07-1128. The plaintiff had appealed the not-guilty verdict on the grounds that the trial judge had erred in allowing jury instructions that included sole proximate cause language.…


Misdiagnosed Pulmonary Embolism Brings Verdict of $2.75 Million

A Cook County jury recently awarded $2.75 million in an Illinois wrongful death case involving the death of an Illinois male from an undiagnosed pulmonary embolism. Instead of diagnosing the man’s pulmonary embolism, the Illinois emergency room staff misdiagnosed the decedent with a seizure disorder. Rhodes v. Malik, et al.,…


Illinois Nursing Home Negligence Skin Infection Lawsuit Settled

Nursing home residents are especially at risk for developing skin infections. Therefore, nursing homes should have a lot of practice at developing skin care plans for residents in order to prevent skin breakdown and the development of skin ulcers. However, recent Illinois nursing home negligence case involved allegations that the…


Raising Brain Tumor Awareness: Former Clients Turn Family Tragedy Into Something Positive with 1st Annual Mary E. Smith Walk

As a Chicago medical malpractice attorney I have seen all sides of human nature – the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, on a rare occasion I am inspired by clients’ reactions to a personal tragedy. The Mary E. Smith family are just such clients. They responded to their…


Illinois Nursing Home Resists Moving Psychiatric Patients

A recent article by The Chicago Tribune highlighted some controversy surrounding an Illinois court settlement concerning psychiatric patients in Illinois. The settlement involves moving psychiatric patients from their current residences in Illinois nursing homes and into supported living communities. However, reports of Illinois nursing homes misleading their residents about the…


Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center Orthopedic Surgeons Sued Under Whistle-Blower Case

A whistle-blower lawsuit filed against Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center was recently unsealed, allowing the Chicago public a glimpse of the case facts. Goldberg, M.D. v. Rush University Medical Center, et al. was brought by orthopedic surgeon Robert Goldberg, M.D. against his employer, Rush University Medical Center, and fellow surgeons…


Illinois Hospitals’ Double CT Scans Exceed National Average for Rate of Usage – Raises Concerns for Overexposure to Radiation

A recently published government report has sparked additional concerns regarding the risk of overexposure to radiation from unnecessary radiology scans. The results of the national report on medical imaging practices shows that Illinois hospitals provide double chest CT scans almost twice as often as other hospitals nationwide. A double chest…


Emergency Room Malpractice Verdict in Favor of Defendant Doctors Upheld By Illinois Appellate Court – Pavnica v. Veguilla

An Illinois medical malpractice verdict in favor of the defendant emergency room physician was upheld by an Illinois Appellate Court. The Illinois medical malpractice complaint in Pavnica v. Veguilla, et al., No. 3-09-0065, alleged that the emergency room doctor’s error had contributed to the amputation of plaintiff’s toes after he…


Medical Malpractice Verdict Non-Economic Damages Awarded by Illinois Federal District Court

After reviewing a Cook County medical malpractice lawsuit for non-economic losses, a United States District Court judge for the Northern District of Illinois awarded the plaintiff $6.7 million in non-economic damages. Maldonado v. Sinai Medical Group, No. 06 C 4149 (April 2, 2010). The Chicago medical malpractice case was brought…

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