
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


DuPage County, Illinois Mother Recieves $11 Million Jury Verdict for Death of Unborn Child

A recent Illinois medical malpractice lawsuit received an $11.5 million award from a DuPage County jury. The Illinois medical negligence case included a birth injury claim regarding the demise of the plaintiff mother’s unborn child and an additional medical negligence claim regarding the loss of the mother’s small intestine. The…


Spinal Infection Leads To Paraplegia – $8 Million Medical Malpractice Verdict in Maldonado v. United States of America, et al.

A Chicago federal judge entered a Chicago medical malpractice verdict in the amount of $8,8330,182 against the United States following a bench trial. In July 2004, Ernesto Maldonado was a patient at Chicago’s Mount Sinai Hospital. He was admitted because of pneumonia. A few days after the admission, a CT…


Cook County Nursing Home Negligence and Wrongful Death Case Settled for Resident’s Death After Fall Leads To Bone Infection-Moffett v. Mercy Health Care

A Chicago area nursing home has settled an Illinois nursing home negligence case brought by the family of an 87 year old Illinois woman who developed bone infection after her skin broke down. She died six months later. Alberta Jones had been a resident at the Mercy Health Care Rehabilitation…


Illinois Nursing Home Fails to Develop Skin Care Plan to Prevent Bed Sores and Decubitus Ulcers- Settlement Reached in Clapman v. Manorcare Health Services, Inc.

A recent Illinois nursing home negligence settlement deals with a recurring issue in many Chicago nursing home abuse cases – the development of pressure sores, also known as bed sores or decubitus ulcers. In Clapman v. Manorcare Health Services, Inc., the plaintiff brought a claim against an Illinois nursing home…


Chicago Birth Injury Settlement of $6.25 Million Reached in Cerebral Palsy Case – Rodriguez v. County of Cook

An Illinois birth injury lawsuit involving claims of medical negligence by John H. Stroger Hospital employees was settled for $6.25 million. Because Stroger Hospital is a Cook County hospital, the Illinois medical malpractice lawsuit was brought against Cook County itself and not the hospital. Maria Rodriguez, as mother and next…


Breast Cancer Screen Should Consider Breast Imaging Radiation Risks According to Medical Journals

Several studies have recently investigated the dangers of different radiology scans and the possibility of radiation overexposure. While many of these radiology scans are important diagnostic tools, research has suggested that many physicians are unaware of the dangers of several different scans, or else are poorly informed about the inherent…


Illinois Medical Malpractice Not Guilty Verdict Reviewed For Potential Prejudicial Comments- Verdict Affirmed in Pavnica v. Edwin Veguilla, et al.

An Illinois Appellate Court reviewed an Illinois medical malpractice case to determine whether references to the defendant doctors’ military service had prejudiced the jury against the plaintiff and contributed to its not guilty verdict. After reviewing the facts of the case, the court held that the comments had not prejudiced…


Illinois Kidney Transplant Case Results in Brain Damage: Chicago Hospital Settles for $6 Million

When analyzing cases for possible Illinois medical malpractice, sometimes the resulting injury is a reasonable outcome of the procedure and as such does not quality as medical malpractice. However, sometimes you encounter a medical malpractice lawsuit where not only was the resulting injury not a foreseeable outcome, but it could…


Illinois Radiologist Error Results in $1.7 Million Settlement – Tariq v. Naperville Radiologist, S.C., et al.

Oftentimes cancerous tumors are recognized in the process of investigating another medical problem. For example, a woman presents complaining of weight loss and an exam reveals breast cancer. Because early diagnosis of cancer can drastically improve the patient’s survival rate it is important that physicians capitalize on these opportunities. In…


University of Chicago Hospital Settles Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Overcrowding Case – Hospital to Pay $7 Million in Settlement

The University of Chicago Medical Center has agreed to pay $7 million to resolve a 2006 lawsuit filed by Attorney General Lisa Madigan alleging that the Chicago hospital violated Illinois licensing regulations that control the number of infants each unit can support. According to the Illinois lawsuit, University of Chicago…

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