
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Nursing Home Resident Deaths Increasingly Caused by Bedrails

Since the middle of this decade, there have been repeated inquiries into the untimely deaths of nursing home residents caused by being trapped or strangled in bedrails. Bedrails are installed in many cases for those nursing home residents who are infirm, suffering from dementia or have a tendency to wander.…


More Yaz and Yasmin Lawsuits Filed Against Bayer

More Yasmin birth control lawsuits have made their way through the court system against the manufacturer Bayer. According to a recent report, Bayer has settled many cases and paid a reported $402 million setting aside another $600 million for future settlements. Approximately 11,000 lawsuits have been filed in the federal…


90 Million Settlement Paid by Pharmaceutical Company For Its Unfair and Deceptive Promotion of Diabetes Drug

GlaxoSmithKline has settled with 38 state attorney generals for $90 million in connection with its unfair and deceptive promotion of a diabetes drug, Avandia. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum led the way in the allegations that GlaxoSmithKline marketed its brand-name medication, Avandia, to treat…


Illinois Jury Finds for Doctor in Newborn Brain Injury Case; Eckstein v. Gallo

In June 1991, Amanda Eckstein was born at Good Samaritan Hospital and delivered by defendant and obstetrician, Martin Gallo, M.D. In the plaintiff’s complaint, it was alleged that Dr. Gallo should have ordered a Cesarean section rather than a vaginal delivery with forceps. Ms. Eckstein alleged that there was evidence…


1.84 Million Jury Verdict for Nursing Home Resident’s Hip Dislocation

A jury has found that a skilled nursing home was negligent in choosing not to detect a dislocated right hip of one of its residents. One of the patients, P.G., 85, was admitted to the nursing home on a short-term basis following her right hip replacement surgery. P.G. was a…


Supreme Court Finds that Cap on Noneconomic Damages Violates Right to Trial by Jury; Watts v. Lester E. Cox Medical Center

The Missouri Supreme Court has found that the statute that limits noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases to $350,000 unlawfully infringes on a jury’s constitutional right to determine the amount of damage that a person has sustained from medical negligence. In this Missouri case, Deborah Watts filed suit for medical…


Illinois Jury Finds for Doctor in Medical Malpractice Case in Death of a Pregnant Woman; Estate of Ariss v. Dr. Serry

On June 12, 2006, 35-year-old Tracy Ariss underwent an echo-cardiogram stress test at LaGrange Memorial Hospital after a workup for carpal tunnel pain in her arms was found to be inconclusive. Less than 3 minutes into the stress test, Tracy suffered a myocardial infarction — a heart attack. She was…


New Study: Lycopene Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk

A new Finnish study suggests that high blood levels of lycopene may significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Vegetables, especially tomatoes, are a significant source of lycopene. The analysis was published in the journal Neurology, prospectively followed 1,031 men ages 46 to 55, measuring their blood levels of five antioxidants…

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