Carl Beauchamp, 44, fell and hit his head. He was taken to Rhode Island Hospital where he underwent testing and was released with instructions to return if he noticed changes in his state of mind. Beauchamp, who initially was able to walk, talk and respond to commands after the fall,…
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog
$7.5 Million Jury Verdict in Failure to Diagnose Impending Stroke
Finis Cuff, 61, had a history of smoking and other health problems, including diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. When Cuff experienced elevated blood pressure, primary care physician Dr. Douglas Keagle prescribed medicine. Cuff’s blood pressure continued to rise, and he returned to Dr. Keagle who prescribed a different…
$500,000 Confidential Settlement for Negligent Management of Anesthesia
Mr. Doe, 60, underwent an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram at a local hospital. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCM) is a procedure that allows medical providers to examine and better analyze bile ducts. The procedure is done with an endoscope. Bile ducts are those tubes that carry bile from the liver to the…
$275,000 Settlement Reached in Confidential Arrangement for Failure to Remove the End of the Catheter After Heart Surgery
Mr. Doe, who was in his 60s, was admitted to a hospital for heart surgery. While he was recovering, healthcare personnel placed multiple lines in his body, including a central venous pressure catheter, which was replaced with a peripherally inserted central catheter line. After Mr. Doe returned to his home,…
Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Trial Judge’s Summary Judgment Regarding Cook County’s Sovereign Immunity in Medical Negligence Case
On July 30, 2008, Isaiah Lockhart went to the Haymarket Center, a chemical dependency facility. Lockhart had a history of alcohol withdrawal. However, when Lockhart complained of “shortness of breath, dizziness, a productive cough and weight loss,” he was sent to get a medical evaluation. Lockhart went by ambulance to…
$1.65 Million Settlement for Wrongful Death of Patient Whose Needed Surgery Was Not Timely Scheduled
Sara Perez, 30, suffered a seizure and collapsed. She was admitted to a hospital where doctors diagnosed a noncancerous brain tumor. Upon discharge, Perez was referred to another medical center where a physician recommended surgery to remove the tumor. The next month, she underwent preoperative blood work and an MRI.…
$2 Million Jury Verdict for Death of Patient for Failure to Timely Schedule Appointment Following Stress Test
Wayne Reynolds, 64, who had a history of smoking and high cholesterol, experienced rapid heartbeat and other problems over the course of several years. He consulted a cardiologist, Dr. Norma Khoury, who ordered an EKG. The EKG showed an ST segment depression, prompting Dr. Khoury to order a stress test…
Jury Enters Verdict of $45.6 Million in Spinal Surgery Gone Very Wrong
Edward Belowyianis, 14, suffered from scoliosis. Scoliosis is often referred to as curvature of the spine. The curve of the spine could be sideways and most often occurs during growth spurts in young people just before puberty. Scoliosis is not a disease, but is rather a medical term to describe…
$28.2 Million Jury Verdict in Late Diagnosis of Bone Cancer Case
Anna Rahm, 17, began experiencing back pain without relief. Anna’s parents took her to a chiropractor who suggested that she be taken to a physician so that she could undergo an MRI scan. Anna met with her primary care physician at Southern California Permanente Medical Group and was prescribed steroids. Anna’s…
$325,000 Settlement in Failure to Test Reconnection During Colon Surgery
Harvey Mantei, 60, underwent colon resection surgery performed by U.S. Veterans Hospital staff surgeon Dr. Karen Kwong. Within several days of the surgery, Mantei developed peritonitis and later required two more surgeries as well as additional hospitalizations for treatment of renal failure and MRSA. Mantei continued to suffer abdominal pain…