Darian Wisekal had a pap smear in August 2008. The slide was sent to Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LabCorp). A LabCorp technologist errantly interpreted the slide as “negative for intraepithelial lesion and malignancy.” A squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) is an abnormal growth of cells on the surface of the…
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog
$22.1 Million Cook County Jury Verdict for Mishandled Bleeding that Caused Brain Damage
In a tragic medical malpractice case, Jeanette Turner, who was just 42 years old, suffered permanent brain damage at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in 2006. It was alleged in the Cook County lawsuit that several doctors chose not to monitor and maintain her tracheotomy tube, which caused her injury…
Affirmed on Appeal: Medical Negligence Causing Death of Patient Results in $910,000 Jury Verdict
On Jan. 12, 2009, Paul Vanderhoof was admitted to the hospital for the surgical removal of his gallbladder. This procedure is also called a cholecystectomy. During the surgery, the surgeon, Dr. Richard Berk, severed the patient’s common bile duct after he misidentified it as the cystic duct. Another surgeon…
$4.09 Million Jury Verdict in Misdiagnosis of Gastric Outlet Obstruction
Jeannette Collins, 46, complained of abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. She underwent testing, including a CT scan, at a hospital emergency room. The scan revealed a small bowel obstruction. General surgeons Dr. Ahmad Nuriddin and Dr. Manohar Nallathambi performed surgery on Collins during which they identified a purported gastric outlet…
$1 Million Settlement for Patient who Suffered Negligent Microdiscectomy
In a confidential settlement, a 50-year-old woman underwent a microdiscectomy performed by a neurosurgeon. The patient’s blood pressure dropped after the procedure, and her condition then deteriorated. A CT scan showed that the woman’s iliac artery was injured during the microdiscectomy. By the time the patient was transferred to another…
$3.5 Million Jury Verdict in Death Caused by Failure to Timely Contact Treating Physician
Michael Banks was 39 years old when he underwent cervical spine surgery. Right after the surgery, he began to experience fever, chills and coughing. His wife called the office of the treating neurosurgeon, Dr. Shahram Rezaiamiri, and told one of the doctor’s medical assistants about her husband’s symptoms. The Banks…
$1.12 Million Jury Verdict in Failure to Prevent Death in Pulmonary Embolism
Michael Wagner was 48 and weighed 600 pounds. He underwent gastric bypass surgery performed by general surgeon Hans Schmidt M.D. and an assistant surgeon Sabastian Eid M.D. Wagner had been taking prophylactic the blood thinner, Heparin preoperatively. After the surgery, the dosage Wagner was receiving was reduced to once per…
Illinois Appellate Court Affirms $12.2 Million Jury Verdict for the Death of a Patient Who Died After a Failure to Receive an Emergency Blood Treatment
Matthew Gulino, the husband of the plaintiff, Joanne Gulino, visited his primary care physician in October 2009 complaining of nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, chills and lightheadedness. The doctor diagnosed him with anxiety and prescribed Xanax after several tests showed the symptoms were not heart related. Gulino returned to his…
$1.05 Million Jury Verdict in Negligent Performance of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Donne Licudine, 20, was diagnosed with cholecystitis, the inflammation of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is the small organ near the liver that plays a part in the digestion of food. When the condition is acute, the patient experiences upper abdominal pain and there is usually an obstruction of the cystic…
Institute of Medicine Report Diagnostic Errors Gain Too Little Attention
Unfortunately, there are too many medical or hospital related errors that have injured or killed patients in the United States. According to a recent study by the Institute of Medicine, “Most people will experience at least one wrong or delayed diagnosis at some point in their lives, a blind spot…