
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


$2.01 Million Jury Verdict for Failure to Diagnose Compartment Syndrome

Dawn Arrigoni, 35, went to the emergency room at Woodwinds Hospital complaining of vomiting, fever and abdominal pain. The nurses there attempted to place a peripheral IV but had trouble placing it. A nurse practitioner then placed an intraosseous (IO) line. An intraosseous infusion line is used in the process…


Illinois Appellate Court Finds That Attorney Who Signed Consulting Contract in Medical Negligence Lawsuit is Not Personally Liable

Rose Newsome received treatment at the University of Illinois Hospital on March 12, 1995 when she alleged that she sustained a brain injury caused by medical negligence. Newsome and her husband, Hatler, hired attorney Zane Smith and his law firm to represent both of them in a medical malpractice lawsuit…


$5.15 Million Jury Verdict for the Unnecessary Embolization that Led to a Catastrophic Stroke of Family Practice Physician

Dr. Terry Polt was 61 years old when she underwent an embolization procedure to treat her chronic nosebleeds. An embolization procedure involves the selected occlusion of blood vessels by purposely introducing clots to a blood vessel. Embolization is generally used to treat a wide variety of conditions affecting different organs…


Dismissal of Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice Case Against Veterans Administration for Lack of Causation U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms

In 2011, a radiologist with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) missed identifying a cancerous mass in the liver of James Avery Deweese. Before the mass was finally diagnosed as cancerous in 2013, it had nearly doubled in size. Deweese died shortly thereafter. The family of Deweese — through…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms $1.7 Million Jury Verdict in Medical Malpractice Misdiagnosed Brain Tumor Case

A neuropathologist, Dr. Meena Gujrati, and her employer, Central Illinois Pathology, were named as defendants in a medical-malpractice lawsuit brought by Rebecca Gapinski who alleged that this doctor misdiagnosed Daniel Gapinski’s brain tumor as being benign. Right before the start of the jury trial, Dr. Gujrati requested permission to proceed…


Hysterectomy Error Leads to $700,000 Jury Verdict

Nerisa Williams was 43 years old when she underwent a hysterectomy that was completed by her gynecologist, Dr. Kenneth Baker. During the surgery, Dr. Baker unknowingly transected or cut Williams’s ureter. The ureter is made up of two tubes of smooth muscle fibers that propel urine from the kidneys to…


Treating Traumatic Brain Injury by Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers

Annually in the U.S., at least 3.5 million people are treated for traumatic brain injuries (TBI). A recent article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s neurology section reports that the development of therapies for TBI has been limited by the absence of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. The…


$4.25 Million Jury Verdict for Failure to Screen for Infectious Process

James Woodard was 64 years old and underwent the first of a two-part elective back surgery at the University of New Mexico Hospital. While Woodard was hospitalized, he was unknowingly exposed to MRSA, an infectious process that is hard to eradicate and usually contracted in hospitals. One month after the…


Robert Kreisman Speaker at American Association for Justice’s Annual Meeting in Boston

On July 25, 2017, Kreisman Law Office’s Robert Kreisman was one of the principal speakers at the Professional Negligence Section’s full-day session. Mr. Kreisman was one of several speakers on the topic of maternal deaths and the causes related to medical malpractice. The seminar was part of the American Association…


State Supreme Court Enters Mixed Decision in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit on the Issue of Loss of Chance Doctrine

Mary and Terry Cohan filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Medical Imaging Consultants claiming that the company and its medical providers were negligent in the treatment that caused Mary’s breast cancer to progress undiagnosed for one year. It was alleged that the delay in diagnosis led to her suffering damages…

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