
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Illinois Appellate Court Finds That Illinois Pattern Jury Instruction on Bad Faith Claims Does Not Accurately Express the Current State of Illinois Law

A medical malpractice lawsuit was filed in which the physician’s insurer, Illinois State Medical Inter-Insurance Exchange (ISMIE), refused to pay its $3 million policy limit to settle the case, which was brought by Alizabeth and Alvin Hana. The suit was filed against Drs. Albert and Joyce Chams and Chams Women’s…


$6.71 Million Jury Verdict for the Death of a Fifteen-Year-Old From Negligence in Handling Pulmonary Emboli

Nicole Incrocci was just 15 when she was bitten by a poisonous snake on her lower left leg. Her leg continued to swell over the next month. When she developed right flank pain, coughing and vomiting, she went to a hospital emergency room where a doctor diagnosed pneumonia, prescribed an…


Illinois Appellate Court Interprets Rules on Naming New Experts in Refiled Medical Malpractice Case

In this case of medical malpractice, the trial court refused to allow the plaintiff to name a pediatric oncologist as one of her expert witnesses. The plaintiff, Kelli Boehle, used what is called a “strategic voluntary dismissal” in order to name a new additional expert. Right after refiling the case…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms $7.88 Million General Verdict in Medical Negligence/Wrongful Death Lawsuit

On Oct. 5, 2012, the defendant in this case, Dr. Yasser Alhaj-Hussein, completed a celiac plexus block procedure designed to lessen or alleviate the pain that Kathy Arient was experiencing in her abdominal area. The procedure was done at Orland Park Medical Center and involved alcohol inserted into the spine…


$15 Million Jury Verdict for Brain Damage Caused by the Negligent Administration of Clotting Agent

Esmeralda Tripp, 42, suffered from atrial fibrillation (AFib) and was on Coumadin to manage her condition. While on this medicine, she experienced 17 instances of high INR (International Normalized Ratio). INR is a standardized number that is calculated in a laboratory. If a patient takes blood thinners, the INR is…


$1.6 Million Settlement Reached After Mediation for Wrongful Death of Patient Caused by Overuse of Lovenox

In the confidential reporting of this case, Mr. Doe, 58, developed shortness of breath. He was admitted to a local hospital where he underwent various tests to rule out pulmonary embolism. The hospital staff interpreted a pulmonary angiogram suspicious for, but not diagnostic of, an embolism. Mr. Doe was prescribed…


$40 Million Jury Verdict for Above Knee Amputation Caused by Failure to Prescribe Blood Thinner

Peter Sfameni, 55, stopped taking Warfarin before he underwent a colonoscopy and chose not to resume taking the medication after the procedure. He developed lower back pain, fatigue and weight loss, which prompted a trip to Rhode Island Hospital’s emergency room. He was admitted to the hospital, underwent a bone…


Court Enters Judgment for $31.1 Million in Negligent Treatment of Severe Hypertension

Kevin Clanton, 28, underwent a pre-employment screening and was told that he had high blood pressure. He went to a federally financed public healthcare facility where he met with nurse practitioner Denise Jordan. She noted that he had severe hypertension with blood pressure readings of 210/170. Jordan ordered lab work…


$1.65 Million Mediation Settlement Reached in Late Diagnosis and Treatment of Bowel Perforations

In a confidential report of this case, Doe, age 55, underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed by a surgeon and partner. During the procedure, the surgeon was concerned that one of the trocars used could have perforated the patient’s small bowel. A trocar is a medical device used in surgery and…


Surgery to Remove a Malignant Tumor in Colon Causes Twisted Small Bowel-Jury Verdict

Carson Sofro, 33, was diagnosed with having a malignant tumor in his colon. He underwent a resection performed by a colorectal surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Karsten at St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center. After removing the tumor, Dr. Karsten connected the colon and small bowel. Sofro suffered a variety of symptoms after…

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