
Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of Medical Malpractice Case for Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies Under Federal Tort Claims Act

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago has affirmed the dismissal of a Federal Tort Claims Act lawsuit sounding in medical malpractice filed by plaintiff Anna Chronis. She claimed that in June 2015, when she visited the University of Illinois Mile Square Health Center for her…


$1 Million Settlement for Paralysis of Patient After Outpatient Hernia Surgery

In December 2015, the plaintiff, Michael Burke, who was then 73 years old, underwent a scheduled hernia repair at Northwestern Medicine-Kishwaukee Hospital in DeKalb, Ill. After this hernia repair surgery, his blood pressure dropped and he complained of severe abdominal pain. Burke’s family asked the surgeon, Dr. Stephen Goldman, to…


State Appellate Court Finds That Physician is Qualified as an Expert Witness Even Though Not Currently Engaged in Active Practice

A Texas Appellate Court has held that a trial court had not erred in denying a defendant’s motion to dismiss based on a plaintiff expert physician’s failure to perform the procedure at issue in the case within the last 20 years. Alice Waggoner sued physician Dr. Carl Jones, maintaining that…


Illinois Appellate Court Reversed Summary Judgment Following the Mental Health Code in Detaining Suicidal Patient

Anita Irvin went into the emergency room complaining of swelling and pain in her leg. During that visit, her primary care physician informed the emergency-room physician that she had recently made suicidal ideations. The emergency-room staff prevented Irvin from leaving the hospital, dressed her in a paper hospital gown, and…


$4.8 Million Jury Verdict for Negligent Surgery, Wrongful Death

Linda Shelly, 56, suffered from various health problems including hypertension, congestive heart failure and diabetes. When she experienced shortness of breath, she was admitted to a local hospital, where a CT scan revealed a retroperitoneal cyst. The next day, Dr. Muthiah Thangavelu, a general surgeon, performed surgery to remove the…


$3.47 Million Arbitration Award in Failure to Order MRI

After a fall, John Mitchell, 53, went to a Kaiser Permanente occupational medicine specialist complaining of back pain, numbness and weakness. The doctor prescribed steroids and a muscle relaxer and asked Mitchell to return in one week. At the next appointment, Mitchell reported increased numbness and weakness in his legs.…


$44.5 Million Jury Verdict for Failure to Timely Report STAT Test Results

Bradley Metts, who was 9 years old at the time of this incident, was evaluated for severe ear pain by his primary care physician at University Medical Associates. Eight days after the evaluation, Bradley’s condition deteriorated; he developed headache, nausea, vomiting and photophobia. Bradley returned to the clinic where a…


$11.88 Million Jury Verdict for the Negligent Recommendation of a Total Knee Replacement

Matthew Standley had a history of osteomyelitis, bone disease or bone infection, 14 knee surgeries, and numerous skin grafts and muscle harvests. When he experienced pain in his left knee, he consulted osteopathic orthopedic surgeon Dr. Melvyn Rech. Several weeks later, Dr. Rech performed a left knee arthroscopy, meniscectomy, a…


$110.6 Million Jury Verdict for Brain Damage to Patient for Failure to Treat Abnormal Carbon Dioxide Levels

Keimoneia Redish was a 40-year-old mother of five who suffered from asthma. When she experienced breathing difficulties, her partner took her to a hospital emergency department. Testing there showed that her carbon dioxide level was above normal at 57 mmol/L and that her pH level was 7.28, which is below…


State Appellate Court Reverses Jury Verdict Against Hospital for Negligent Credentialing Without Proof that the Physician was Unqualified

St. Luke’s Surgicenter-Lee’s Summit LLC appealed the circuit court’s judgment against St. Luke’s after a jury trial. The gist of the claim was for negligent credentialing. The claim had been brought by the plaintiff, Thomas E. Tharp and Paula M. Tharp, his wife. The jury found in favor of the…

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