
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


$7 Million Settlement for Late Response to Respiratory Distress

Susan Clifford was a 40-year-old Iraq war veteran who was admitted to Veterans Hospital suffering from shortness of breath and flu-like symptoms. Over the next week, she received respiratory therapy, nebulizer treatments and mask ventilation. When the treating medical providers attempted to switch her from the ventilator mask to a…


State Supreme Court Affirms in Part and Reverses in Part Judgment of the Trial Court Granting Summary Judgment in Favor of Defendants in a Physical Therapy Negligence Case

During a physical therapy session following her hip surgery, Anita Hanson began to experience increased pain in her leg. The pain did not subside and hospital staff later diagnosed her with a fractured femur. Hanson and her husband brought a lawsuit against the physical therapy company and the hospital. It…


Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Dismissal of Medical Malpractice Case for Abusive Discretion in Denying Health Professional’s Report Within the Time Limit

According to the report of this case, the Illinois Appellate Court has reversed the dismissal of a medical malpractice case. The case had been dismissed by the trial judge on the ground that the plaintiff did not meet the requirement of filing the 90-day certificate of merit, which is required…


$644,000 Jury Verdict for the Death of a Patient Caused by Failure to Refer to Cardiologist in Advance of Surgery

Robert Suryadeth, 64, suffered from valvular heart disease. Before he underwent an outpatient surgery for his back issues, he met with Dr. Aruna Paspula, an internist, who had never seen him before that day. Dr. Paspula performed an electrocardiogram, listened to his heart, and cleared him for the back surgery.…


$850,000 Jury Verdict for Injured Patient Who Was Refused an Escort After Discharge

Sarita Kellman, 70, underwent treatment for a fractured left ankle. After the ankle was repaired at Bellevue Hospital Center, a nurse offered her the use of crutches. However, she requested an escort, telling the nurse that she was feeling lightheaded and that she could not use the crutches safely. The…


$4.48 Million Jury Verdict for the Death Caused by Failure to Respond to Post Surgical Complaints

Thomas Rogers was 54 years old when he underwent surgery at Optim Medical Center-Tattnall to remove a cervical disk at C-3. Later that night following the surgery, he complained of neck pain and difficulty speaking and swallowing. Four hours later, a code blue was started. Despite four attempts to intubate,…


U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Jury Verdict in Favor of Orthopedic Surgeon in Medical Negligence Lawsuit

On June 26, 2014, Dr. Corey Solman performed arthroscopic surgery on the knee of Leslie Grussing. At her follow-up appointment on July 9, 2014, she met with a physician’s assistant and reported swelling in her knee. The physician’s assistant suggested physical therapy. Dr. Solman did not examine her at that…


State Supreme Court Reverses Trial Judge’s Order of New Trial

The State Supreme Court of Rhode Island has held that a trial judge improperly ordered a new trial based on the judge’s conclusion that a jury had misjudged the credibility of a witness. In this case, Stacia Aptt filed a lawsuit against Dr. Michael Baaklini alleging that the doctor had…


$6 Million Jury Verdict for Death of Young Mother After Paramedics Failed to Intubate

A 20-year-old new mother identified as Ms. Doe collapsed at her home a week after delivering her baby prematurely. Two paramedics employed by Capital Health System Inc. arrived at her home. A student paramedic was training with the paramedics and was allowed to establish and monitor Ms. Doe’s airway before…


$15.9 Million Jury Verdict for the Negligent Handling of Acute Vasculitis Resulting in Amputations

Stephanie Hollingsworth, 26, suffered from lupus and bilateral arm and leg pain. She was admitted to a hospital’s cardiac care unit where she was diagnosed as having acute vasculitis secondary to Sjogren’s syndrome, an immune system disorder. The rheumatologist assigned to her care was Dr. Yvonne Sherrer, who ordered a…

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