A flatbed tractor-trailer driver was assigned to load and deliver 7,000-pound concrete barriers. The barriers were being loaded into rows onto the driver’s trailer. The truck driver was standing next to his trailer strapping down the first row of barriers when a crane operator was loading the second row.
As the crane operator was moving a barrier, it struck another one in the truck causing it to fall onto the driver. He suffered a traumatic, below-the-knee amputation of his left leg.
The driver, age 44, underwent several surgeries resulting in an above-the-knee amputation of the leg. He has been working with prosthesis, but continues to undergo revisions and adjustments. His past medical expenses totaled $283,700. He has not been able to return to work. The trucker faces very limited prospects for long-term employment because of his limited formal education. He is undergoing retraining for a different line of work compatible with his training.