On Jan. 11, 2010, Vinayak Dravid was driving eastbound on Golf Road in Skokie, Ill., when the defendant Anila Amin pulled out from a parking lot at 3337 W. Golf Road. Amin was attempting to turn left and go westbound, causing the crash with a plaintiff’s car. The impact resulted in both cars spinning and then making a second contact with each other. Both of the vehicles were a total loss.
Dravid, 46, and a professor at Northwestern University, maintained that the crash caused him aggravation to his previously diagnosed herniated discs at L4-5 and L5-S1. Dravid said the impact and force of the crash reawakened his symptoms and increased the intensity of his pain. Surgery was recommended prior to the crash, but Dravid elected to deal with the pain and claimed his back had been largely without symptoms in the months just before the crash.
After the collision, Dravid underwent additional physical therapy and an injection. Surgery was again recommended by his doctor, but this time by a different neurosurgeon.