On June 28, 2010, Dariusz Bosek was stopped at a red light in the northbound lane of Randall Road at Mill Street in Batavia, Ill. His vehicle was then rear-ended by a car driven by the defendant, Hildegard Maas. Bosek, 44, was injured in the crash; he sustained a left elbow injury, a painful tendon injury that required physical therapy, injections and eventually surgery in November 2011. Bosek made a full recovery after the surgery and has no permanent problems now. His medical bills totaled $38,620. He did not have any lost time from work as a delivery driver.
The 89-year-old defendant, Hildegard Maas, had been stopped behind Bosek but reported that she sneezed, which caused her foot to slip off the brake pedal. Maas was not present for the jury trial because she was in poor health and residing in a Colorado nursing home.
The defense admitted negligence at trial, but contested the extent of the plaintiff’s injury pointing to the minimal damage to the vehicles and a 7-month treatment gap from November 2010 to June 2011 in which Bosek was treated.