
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog


Federal Diversity Jurisdiction in Breach of Contract Case Stands; Nomanbhoy v. Boxwala

In a breach of contract case, the issue was whether a party defendant was a necessary defendant in this federal court case filed in Chicago. Two of the defendants, Nafeesa Moosabhoy and Aymen Tyebjee, moved to dismiss the complaint that Shabbir and Munira Nomanbhoy filed in federal court.  The court found…


Cook County Jury Verdict – $7.36 Million for Death of Passenger in Rear-End Crash; Estate of Harris v. United Road Towing, Inc.

George Harris was a passenger seated in the rear third row of a 2004 Chevy Ventura van when he was returning home from work at Union Pacific Railroad with five others in his carpool. It was July 10, 2009, — a Friday during evening rush hour — and the van was traveling…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Insurer-Insured Privilege; Vroman v. Midwest Groundcovers, LLC, et al.

On Sept. 21, 2010, Wayne Vroman claimed that his car was hit by a vehicle owned by Midwest Groundcovers, LLC, and driven by Judy Wenciker, a Midwest employee.  Two months later, Vroman filed a negligence lawsuit against Midwest and Wenciker.  On Jan. 10, 2011, the defendants’ lawyer filed a motion…


Serious Side Effects Linked to Diabetes Drug, Januvia

A February 25, 2013 study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine has reported a connection between acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer with the use of the diabetes drug, Januvia. The study also noted that there was increased risk of thyroid cancer. The JAMA Internal Medicine…


Union League of Chicago Welcomes Law Professor and Author Michelle Alexander; The Human Cost of Criminal Justice Policy: A Forum

On May 3, 2013, an overflow crowd at the Union League Club of Chicago welcomed Michelle Alexander, professor of law at Ohio State University Law School. Professor Alexander is also the author of the bestselling book, The New Jim Crow; Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness.  The book was…


$1.1 Million Jury Verdict in Effingham County, Illinois, Truck Crash; Reaves v. Kuresevic

A federal court jury in St. Louis found that the driver of a tractor-trailer, Ilija Kuresevic of Fort Worth, Texas, was responsible for the crash in the early morning hours of Feb. 26, 2010 in Effingham County, Ill.  The injured party, George Reaves Jr., a St. Louis County truck driver,…


Illinois Jury Finds for Driver in Rear-End Expressway Crash; Gavino v. Faught

Benjamin Faught rear-ended Luis Gavino’s car on southbound Interstate 94 in Deerfield, Ill., in the early morning hours of Oct. 3, 2009.  The impact caused the plaintiff’s car to spin several times and crash into a cement median strip. Gavino, 57, sustained a posterior tibialis tendon tear, located on the…


$154,000 Jury Verdict for Bicyclist Injured by Car Turning Into Chicago Parking Garage; Olsen v. Galla

Bicyclist Christopher Olsen, 25, was riding his bike northbound on Dearborn between Monroe and Madison streets in downtown Chicago. He was traveling in the right curb lane when the defendant’s northbound Lexus Sedan made a right turn directly in front of him as he was trying to enter a parking…

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