Keith Kreinik was injured in a motorcycle accident. The statute of limitations for his injuries would have run two years from the date of his accident, Sept. 2, 2007 to Sept. 2, 2009. In the meantime, on Aug. 29, 2009, Karen Kreinik was allowed guardianship of Keith and filed a…
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog
Cook County Jury Verdict Finds for Motorist Over Bicyclist
On March 25, 2011, Lance Wright, a 50-year-old bicyclist, was on a public sidewalk heading southbound past a Walgreens store at its parking lot at 5431 S. Harlem Ave. in Chicago, Ill. The bike he was riding collided with the defendant’s car as it was leaving the parking lot. Wright argued…
Semi-Trailer Truck and Bus Crashes Numbers Are Rising
The number of highway deaths in the United States in 2012 rose to 33,561. This was an increase of more than 1,000 deaths from 2011. This data was provided preliminarily by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The same report of data from NHTSA revealed that the number of deaths…
Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Trial Judge’s Dismissal in Real Estate Deal Gone Bad
In 2011, Gloria Won intended to purchase a residence from Grant Park 2 LLC. Since the deal she anticipated fell apart, Won filed a breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against Grant Park 2. In that suit, Won alleged that Grant Park 2 chose not to meet the…
New Buses Traveling between Cities Must be Equipped with Seatbelts
Under a federal rule issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that was passed on Nov. 21, 2013, new tour buses and buses that provide services between cities must be equipped with seatbelts. This new federal rule goes into effect beginning in November 2016. This safety measure was…
Illinois Appellate Court Limits Recovery Where Insurance Company Goes Out of Business
Illinois law provides for losses suffered when an Illinois insurance company goes bankrupt, is liquidated or cannot meets its obligations. The Illinois Insurance Guarantee Fund is available to step in when an insurance company fails. In this case, the Illinois Supreme Court reversed and remanded a decision written by the…
Cook County Jury Returns $28,700 Verdict for Rear-Ended Driver
On Feb. 19, 2009, Georgene Paz was eastbound on Palatine Road at Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois, when she was rear-ended by 41-year-old Richard Ahlman. Paz, age 52, drove herself to Central DuPage Hospital right after the crash complaining of lower back and neck pain. She continued to treat with…
Hospitals May be Held Liable for Negligence In Birth Injury Labor Induction Cases
Often an obstetrician will order levels of medicine to induce labor and the medication may lead to obstetrical malpractice. A treating obstetrician may be found to be negligent by prescribing doses of labor induction medication, such as oxytocin, that may induce or augment labor, but may lead to serious birth injuries…
Insurance Liability Exclusion Upheld by Chicago’s U.S. Court of Appeals
Phusion Projects Inc. manufactures and distributes the alcoholic beverage Four Loko. The product contains alcohol in addition to caffeine, guarana, taurine and wormwood. Guarana is a plant that has one of the highest concentrations of caffeine in any plant. It’s often used as a supplement to energy drinks, including this one. Taurine is an…
$58,000 Cook County Jury Verdict for Chicago Motorist Injured in Rear-End Crash
A Cook County jury has determined that Brelinda Walker, age 58 and retired, was traveling northbound on Michigan Avenue in Chicago and while waiting to make a left turn on westbound Adam Street was hit from behind by the defendant, Adam Riley, age 21. Those facts were straightforward. The jury…