
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms that Dram Shop Liability Requires the Injured to Identify the Intoxicated Person

On Nov. 27, 2008, Galissa Brown walked out of the Nitro Nightclub in west suburban Stone Park, Ill., at about 1 a.m. She began walking with some of her friends to their car. The police had already been called to this nightclub because of 4 or 5 stabbings. It had…


$55 Million Jury Verdict is Entered Against Honda Motor Company for Catastrophic Injuries in a Rollover Case

A Philadelphia jury entered a verdict of $55 million in damages after nine days of trial testimony in favor of Carlos Martinez who suffered paralysis in a car crash when his Honda SUV rolled over. Martinez’s head hit the roof of the vehicle in the rollover. There was evidence revealed…


Chicago Park District Could be Held Responsible for Injury to a Child Under 12 at Playground Because there was no Published Restriction to Notify Potential Users

Cheneka Ross, 13, was playing tag at a Chicago Park District Park playground while being chased by another child. She ran to the slide to avoid being tagged by one of her playmates. Cheneka climbed up the slide and as she started to slide down, one of her feet became…


Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Summary Judgment Where There Were Material Issues of Fact Yet to be Decided

In September 2008, Erica Perkins was involved in a car crash while driving a car owned by Beverly Perkins. LaTonya Reese and Kionna Griffin sued Erica Perkins for the injuries they suffered in the crash. American Access Casualty Co. issued a non-owner’s insurance policy to Erica Perkins and provided a…


Illinois Appellate Courts Holds that Umbrella Policies not Required by Either Public Policy or Statutory Requirement to Provide Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Mei Pang was a passenger in a car driven by Ingrid Chan in January 2002 when a crash occurred between Chan’s car and another vehicle driven by Donald McGinnis. Pang was injured severely. McGinnis’s insurer paid Pang $100,000 to settle her personal injury lawsuit and claim. Chan was insured by…


$219,000 Cook County Jury Verdict in Rear-End Truck Collision in Construction Zone

On May 11, 2009, Manuel Banuelos was driving a dump truck through a construction zone on northbound Interstate 94 in Lake County, Ill., when he attempted to turn into a construction site a quarter-mile north of Illinois Route 176. At that point, Banuelos was rear-ended by a semi-tractor-trailer driven by…


Jury Verdict of $4.5 Million in Tractor-Trailer Crash With Bus

G3 Enterprises, a wine and beverage packaging and transportation company, had a long-term subhauling contract with Sun Valley Express Transport Inc. Sun Valley in turn contracted with Velazquez & Sons Trucking Co. to haul grapes using G3’s trailers. Velazquez & Sons assigned its new driver, Juan Velazquez, to do the…


U.S. Court of Appeals Sends Federal Case Back to State Court in a Case Involving Both the Second and Seventh Circuit U.S. Courts of Appeals

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has reversed a decision of a U.S. district court judge regarding whether a case should be remanded back to an Illinois state court. This case arises out of the bankruptcy of a company known as Parmalat. Parmalat was a large Italian food…


Illinois Appellate Court Holds That Witness’s Recollection of Testator’s Signature at the Time Will is Signed Not Evidence of Invalidity

Mary Dicks died on Sept. 25, 2012. Her granddaughter, Jennifer Barber, was her closest living relative and her only heir. Barber claimed that Dicks died intestate and filed a petition to be named administrator of her estate. However, Allison Ferconio, who was Dicks’s niece, filed a will with the Circuit…


Illinois Law Allows a Dissolved Corporation to be Sued for Any Claim that Existed Before its Dissolution For Up To Five Years

According to the Illinois Appellate Court, a corporate condominium association that was dissolved is in a legal standing the same as that of a dead natural person such as found in the case of Markus v. Chicago Title & Trust, 373 Ill.557 (1940). Under Illinois §12.80 of the Business Corporation…

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