
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog


Asbestos Jury Verdict Reversed by Illinois Appellate Court on Issue of Sole Proximate Cause Where Prior Work History Was Excluded

The 4th District of the Illinois Appellate Court in the case of a former railroad employee, James Smith, reversed the jury’s verdict finding that the trial judge had been wrong in preventing the defendant from presenting evidence regarding the plaintiff’s prior work history. Smith was a former railroad employee of…


Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Summary Judgment in Case Where Contract Was Found to be Ambiguous

The Neck & Back Clinic in Chicago was providing physical rehabilitation services to patients. In 1998, the clinic signed a series of leases for exterior building wall space to advertise its services. The clinic leased that advertising space through a company called Travisign, operated by David Travis. The Neck &…


$1 Million Judgment for Injured Worker Who Fell Because of Insufficient Scaffolding

Mark Barto, who was 41 at the time, worked as a rigger aboard the Derrick Barge 50, a vessel owned by the defendant J. Ray McDermott International Vessels Ltd. While Barto was greasing and spooling a whip line from an overhead gantry crane, he stood on a board inside a…


U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Decision of Trial Judge that an Expert Witness Was Necessary to Prove Causation in an Injury Case Caused by Chemical Exposure

Kent Higgins, along with his wife and two children, visited Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari amusement park. During their stay, the filter pump connected to the park’s lazy river ride malfunctioned due to a tripped circuit breaker. While the park’s staff worked on fixing the problem, pool chemicals, which included…


Cook County Jury Signs Verdict for $2.4 Million for Injured Contractor Who Fell From a Ladder at a Steel Mill

On Aug. 18, 2009, Douglas Anoman, a radio technician employed by Bartronics LLC, was working at the defendants’ Scrap Metal Services LLC and SMS Mill Services LLC steel mill in Burns Harbor, Ind. The purpose of working there was to service a crane radio. After Anoman removed the radio from…


$897,000 Cook County Jury Verdict for Rotator Cuff Injury Suffered by Pedestrian Hit By Cab and Negligent Entrustment Claim Resulted in Punitive Damages

On Oct. 17, 2011, Margaret Baumrucker was walking to work when she was hit by a taxicab in a crosswalk at the intersection of Oak Park Avenue and Windsor in Berwyn, Ill. Baumrucker, 60, was a psychiatric nurse and sustained a rotator cuff tendinopathy and glenoid labral tear/shredding in her…


$1.2 Million Settlement for Worker Who Fell When the Scissors Lift Platform Collapsed

Dwayne Gitter was a union electrician working at an exhibit center disassembling the electrical supply to the lighting that had been used at a recently completed trade show. He was standing on a scissors lift platform when the lift toppled from the weight of heavy electrical cables. Gitter fell 30…


Appellate Court Affirms Trial Judges Decision Regarding Admissibility of Prior Injury of the Same Part of the Body

Marilyn Kayman was injured in a car crash on Jan. 30, 2009 in which her car was struck from behind by the car driven by the defendant Janice Matthews Rasheed. Kayman went to the emergency room at Hinsdale Hospital shortly after the crash but was discharged the same day. She…


$610,000 Settlement for Injured Driver and Passengers Struck by Trucks After Jack-knifed Tractor-Trailer Collision

A driver of a tractor-trailer owned by J.M. Leasing was traveling on an interstate roadway where the conditions were poor because of snow. The tractor-trailer driver passed a slow-moving vehicle in the right lane. When the truck driver attempted to return to the right lane at about 55 mph, he…

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