
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog


Chicago Will Have Accessible Polling Sites for Disabled Voters by November 2018 Elections

The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners has been involved with the U.S. Department of Justice and Equip for Equality for the last ten months in an effort to evaluate what needs to be done to ensure that every Chicago voter is able to cast a ballot. The U.S. Department of…


Worker Can Recover for Chemical Exposure Injuries from Totalox

Carus Corp. (Carus) was an international company that developed and sold chemical products for municipal and industrial applications. In a federal lawsuit, Carus was named as a defendant. Carus’s products included a chemical called Totalox, which essentially was designed as a deodorizer for sewer systems. The town of Lexington (town)…


U.S. Court of Appeals Reverses Dismissal of Wrongful Death Case for High School Student Who Died on a Vacation Excursion

Lisa Tam Chung, a Texas high school senior, bought a vacation package through the defendant, Inc., for a trip to Cancun, Mexico. She added an optional snorkeling excursion as part of her package. This unfortunate trip had a tragic ending when the snorkeling catamaran hit a coral reef and…


U.S. District Court Rules That Attorney-Client Privilege Applied in Insurance Coverage Lawsuit

Baxter International was sued in a second wave of multidistrict litigation filed by hemophiliacs who alleged that they contracted HIV or Hepatitis C from contaminated blood products. Baxter paid $15 million to settle the lawsuits and then filed its own lawsuit against Axa Versicherung and a German insurance company for…


Laws in Illinois and on Federal Level Protect Trade Secrets

Trade secrets can be among the most valuable assets of any business. Laws in Illinois and on the federal level have long protected trade secrets. Before 1995, the protection of trade secrets was based on the common law as defined by the Restatement of Torts. Illinois has adopted the Illinois…


Chemical Exposure Injury Case Ordered Back to Trial Court

The plaintiff Stephen Limoges claimed that he suffered significant pulmonary injuries as a result of inhaling the toxic fumes following a chemical spill. Plaintiffs brought suit against three different entities, including Arden Engineering Constructors LLC, alleging that they were individually and collectively responsible for Limoges’s injuries. Mr. Limoges was an…


Missouri Law Moves to Daubert Expert Witness Standard

Missouri’s HB 153 became law recently, supplanting the expert witness screening standard set out in the Federal Rules of Evidence 702, 703, 704 and 705. Missouri’s new expert witness standard  effectively submits expert testimony in most civil and criminal cases to the analysis set forth in Daubert v. Merrell Dow…


$39.5 Million Jury Verdict for Injury to Young Woman Who Fell Through Illegal Fire Escape

A New York City jury signed a $39.5 million verdict for a 30-year-old woman after she fell through an unguarded “vertical ladder” fire escape and suffered permanent injuries. That fire escape design had long been outlawed under legislation approved by the New York state legislature in 1928. This type of…


Cell Phone Deaths on Illinois and U.S. Roads and Highways are Rising Rapidly

Each year, 3,000 people on average die and 450,000 are injured in motor vehicle accidents involving distracted drivers. Ten percent of all drivers who are 15 to 19 years of age involved in fatal crashes were distracted when the car, truck or motorcycle crash occurred. The significant safety problem of…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Jury Verdict of $1.3 Million in Car Crash Over Causation Objections of Defendant

On July 28, 2008 Mai Leen Aguilar-Santos was injured in a car crash alleged to have been caused by the defendant, Helen Brine. On April 1, 2010 the lawsuit against Brine was filed by Mai Leen Aguilar-Santos seeking to recover damages for her injuries caused in the accident. Mai Leen…

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