
Chicago Injury Lawyer Blog


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms $54 Million Jury Verdict Where Defendant-Appellant Failed to Raise Issue in Post-Trial Motion

David Lee Johnson, an employee of Universal AM-CAN Ltd. and Louis Broadwell LLC, was driving a truck owned by his employers above the speed limit while on a suspended license.  Johnson crashed his vehicle into a Jeep in front of him driven by the plaintiff, James Denton. The crash pushed…


Jury Verdict for $2.81 Million for Crush Injuries Caused by Negligent Operation of Hydraulic Lift

William Clay, 67, went to a car dealer to help his son purchase a car. As he stood by a raised vehicle in the dealer’s garage, an employee operating a hydraulic vehicle lift lowered the car onto Clay’s right foot. He suffered crush fractures to three toes, which required amputation…


$8.4 Million Jury Verdict for Mechanic Exposed to Asbestos

Alfred Bennett and his wife filed a lawsuit against Ford Motor Co. on behalf of Alfred who had been a mechanic there. He claimed he was exposed to asbestos in handling auto parts. This case was tried in the City of St. Louis, 22nd Judicial Circuit. The jury’s verdict of…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms in Part and Reverses in Part a $19 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit

On Sept. 13, 2011, James Langholf, employed by Howe Freightways Inc., was driving a semi-tractor and trailer truck through Iowa when he heard a pop and felt the engine shake. He then noticed black smoke coming from the engine. He had the engine powered on but pulled off to the…


$15 Million Jury Verdict for Failure to Enforce Safety Precautions at Light Rail Station

Andrea Laing, 23, was walking northbound along a sidewalk platform at a Portland, Ore., “Max” light rail station. She crossed the eastbound tracks to board a stopped westbound train and was struck by an out-of-service eastbound train that was entering the station. Laing suffered facial and rib fractures; internal injuries,…


$15 Million Jury Verdict in Rear-End Crash Caused by Tractor-Trailer Driver

Jorge Amparo was traveling on an interstate highway in rainy conditions during heavy traffic. Evans Delivery Co. driver Jose Ayala was operating an 80,000-pound tractor-trailer in the roadway’s middle or left lane while he was talking on his cellphone. As Amparo stopped for traffic in the left lane, Ayala’s tractor-trailer…


$6.7 Million Judgment for Wrongful Death of Truck Driver Killed When Tire Exploded

Elwood Breaux Jr. was working for Plaquemines Parish when the “zipper failure” occurred, the name for a long sidewall rip with protruding metal reinforcement. With air escaping from the tire, Breaux was thrown backward and severely injured. He died 28 days after this occurrence on Feb. 5, 2014 of massive…


Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Summary Judgment in Police Pursuit That Resulted in Two Deaths

On April 10, 2014, two Chicago police officers noticed a car without a front license plate, and they attempted to pull it over. The vehicle, which was being driven by Glenn Jones, was owned by Dalia Smith who was a passenger in the car. As the Chicago police officers attempted…


Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Jury Verdict Denying Settlement Offer Based on Collateral Attack Doctrine

The Illinois Appellate Court for the First District has affirmed the jury’s verdict in a personal injury case. On Feb. 16, 2013, Joanna Tielke was bowling at a facility run by Kevin Killerman and 3124 N. Central LLC. Tielke slipped while bowling and fell, suffering a severe injury.  She filed…


Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Jury Verdict Where Expert Testimony Was Based in Part on Barred Evidence

An Illinois Appellate Court for the First District reversed and remanded a decision from a Cook County trial judge after it entered a judgment order following a jury verdict. Scott Gilman drove over one of Sweta Karn’s feet as he was making a left turn at a Chicago intersection on…

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