Shuffle Tech made automatic card-shuffling equipment for the consumer market and particularly for casinos. In 2010, Shuffle Tech and Wolff Gaming, a distributor of the equipment, signed a letter of intent that expressed their mutual commitment to proceed with a draft agreement regarding product development and distribution. The agreement laid…
Articles Posted in Federal Law
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit Has Affirmed Dismissal of Third Party Counterclaim Involved in an Electrocution Case
Gamesa Technology Corp. entered into a contract with Minnesota-based Outland Renewable Energy to provide maintenance for Gamesa’s wind turbines. Iberdrola Renewables Inc. runs the Gamesa-made turbines at the Cayuga Wind Farm located in Livingston County, Ill. While servicing a Cayuga turbine, one of Outland’s employees, Aaron McCoy, was electrocuted when…
U.S. Court of Appeals Sends Federal Case Back to State Court in a Case Involving Both the Second and Seventh Circuit U.S. Courts of Appeals
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has reversed a decision of a U.S. district court judge regarding whether a case should be remanded back to an Illinois state court. This case arises out of the bankruptcy of a company known as Parmalat. Parmalat was a large Italian food…
Illinois and Federal Rules of Procedure Results Compared in Missed Filing Date
The federal court rules are different than those in Illinois. Lawyers who may be used to operating under the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure need to be aware of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 59(a), which says, “A motion to alter or amend a judgment must be filed no later…
Writ of Mandamus is Denied by Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Paxil Case
The Paxil drug maker, GlaxoSmithKline, LLC (GSK) is defending product-liability lawsuits in Chicago’s federal district court for the Northern District of Illinois. GSK manufactures the antidepressant Paxil, which is the brand-name of paroxetine hydrochloride. In one of the many lawsuits that are pending, a 2010 suicide took place just six…
U.S. Court of Appeals Reverses District Court in Jurisdiction Issue Over Minimum Contacts
Advanced Tactical manufactures and sells PepperBall projectile irritants. The product, PepperBalls, resemble paintballs, but PepperBalls contain irritants and are designed to be used for crowd control by police, private security firms and similar organizations. Advanced Tactical was headquartered in Indiana, though the company had at least one office in California.…
$90 Million Class-Action Settlement is Thrown Out by U.S. Court of Appeals
A class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against a window manufacturer. The basis for the reversal of the approved $90 million settlement for the class-action lawsuit claiming defective windows was due to inequities with respect to the attorney fees of approximately…
US Court of Appeals Considers Relevant Topics of Cross-Examination at Trial
Allen Plyler had purchased and installed a Whirlpool microwave oven for his home. Seven years later, in October 2006, Plyer used the microwave to heat up some food. Eight hours later, Plyer was awakened by a fire that began in the microwave. He tried to put out the fire but…
U.S. Court of Appeals Rules that First Amendment Did Not Require the State to Keep Collective Bargaining Rights for Public Employee Unions
Wisconsin has a long history of protecting private and public labor unions. In fact, before 2011, Wisconsin granted broad protections and privileges to public-sector unions. This all changed when the Wisconsin legislature passed a new budget bill known as Act 10. This act reduced state and municipal employers’ collective-bargaining obligations…
U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of Copyright Infringement Case Regarding Unauthorized Recording
The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago has affirmed a decision dismissing a copyright claim brought by Catherine Conrad, who was a self-employed singing and dancing entertainer. Conrad calls herself the “Banana Lady” and performs wearing a costume in the shape of a giant banana. Conrad was hired…