H.D. was admitted to a hospital in labor. The nurses and midwife observed H.D. throughout the night without any notable changes. However, early the next morning, the fetal monitor showed non-reassuring signs of the unborn child. No one consulted an obstetrician or warned a doctor about the non-reassuring signs. About…
Chicago Birth Injury Lawyers Blog
$1.25 Million Settlement in Death of Baby After Failure to Diagnose Fetal Distress
In a confidential settlement, the parties agreed to $1,250,000 for the unfortunate death of a newborn infant. In this case, before the mother’s scheduled Caesarean section, the mother underwent three transplacental amniocenteses to assess her baby’s lung maturity. The purpose of a transplacental amniocentesis is to compare transplacental with non-placental…
More Proactive Labor Induction Practice Has Been Shown to Reduce Birth Injuries
In 2008 a study was published that focused on uncomplicated pregnancies. The question was whether to induce labor in women whose gestation had reached 41 to 42 weeks. It was revealed that inducing labor in women who have reached 41 weeks of pregnancy and who were otherwise low-risk showed the…
$1 Million Jury Verdict for Brachial Plexus Birth Injury Caused by Excessive Force
On March 1, 2011, Jamie Rae was in induced for labor at 39 weeks gestation due to the large size of her baby. The defendant obstetrician, Dr. James Riva, did a vaginal delivery of the baby, Bailei Rae, at a hospital in Maryville, Ill. During the course of the delivery of…
Illinois Tort Immunity Act Protects Public Hospitals and Institutions Except for Negligent Care and Treatment
In most cases of medical malpractice that occur at private institutions, the hospital, its physicians and medical providers could be held liable for injuries caused by choosing not to take an order for proper tests, by not making the correct diagnosis and by not rendering the appropriate medical treatment. But…
Cook County Jury Sides With Hospital and Doctors in Case of Delayed Delivery Causing Baby’s Cerebral Palsy
The baby, Zoey Stavrou, was delivered by Cesarean section at Edward Hospital in DuPage County, Ill., at 12:25 a.m. on May 14, 2006. She had Apgar scores at 0 at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. At the time of the delivery, a 9-centimeter umbilical cord hematoma was discovered, which had…
Cook County Jury Finds in Favor of Doctor in Brachial Plexus Injury Case
Dr. Sonya L. Thomas was named as a defendant in a birth injury case that was claimed to have been caused by her negligence in the delivery of a baby, Regina Pilero, at St. Anthony Hospital on Jan. 6, 2007. Dr. Thomas is an obstetrician. It was alleged in the…
$550,000 Settlement for Death of Infant After Failure to Diagnose Placental Abruption
During Ms. Doe’s 32nd week of pregnancy, she experienced contractions. Doe went to a nearby hospital where vaginal bleeding, elevated blood pressure and pre-term labor were all noted in her hospital chart. She was under observation for about 36 hours at the hospital before she was discharged to go home.…
Chicago U.S. District Court Grants Summary Judgment for Part of Birth Injury Case; Leaves Res Ipsa Loquitur Claim for Fact Finder
Kaleb Avalos-Lanteros was born with what amounted to a fractured skull. The injury caused brain damage and was first recognized while Kaleb was in the neonatal intensive care unit at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Chicago. The cause of Kaleb’s skull fracture was not acknowledged by anyone but was alleged…
$3 Million Settlement in Failure to Implement Adequate Oxygenation to Newborn
A settlement was reached in a case where a newborn, known as “Doe,” was born with a congenital condition in which part of her internal organs developed outside of her body.Right after her birth, Doe underwent a series of surgeries to place those organs inside her body. After one of…