Dr. Sonya L. Thomas was named as a defendant in a birth injury case that was claimed to have been caused by her negligence in the delivery of a baby, Regina Pilero, at St. Anthony Hospital on Jan. 6, 2007. Dr. Thomas is an obstetrician. It was alleged in the…
Articles Posted in Birth Injury
$550,000 Settlement for Death of Infant After Failure to Diagnose Placental Abruption
During Ms. Doe’s 32nd week of pregnancy, she experienced contractions. Doe went to a nearby hospital where vaginal bleeding, elevated blood pressure and pre-term labor were all noted in her hospital chart. She was under observation for about 36 hours at the hospital before she was discharged to go home.…
Chicago U.S. District Court Grants Summary Judgment for Part of Birth Injury Case; Leaves Res Ipsa Loquitur Claim for Fact Finder
Kaleb Avalos-Lanteros was born with what amounted to a fractured skull. The injury caused brain damage and was first recognized while Kaleb was in the neonatal intensive care unit at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Chicago. The cause of Kaleb’s skull fracture was not acknowledged by anyone but was alleged…
$3 Million Settlement in Failure to Implement Adequate Oxygenation to Newborn
A settlement was reached in a case where a newborn, known as “Doe,” was born with a congenital condition in which part of her internal organs developed outside of her body.Right after her birth, Doe underwent a series of surgeries to place those organs inside her body. After one of…
Cook County Jury Finds No Connection with Baby’s Delivery and Quadriplegia
Matthew Chimis’s mother went into labor during the early morning of Oct. 26, 1997. She contacted her obstetrician, the defendant, Dr. Scott Pierce, who told her to go to Gottlieb Memorial Hospital; he said he would meet her there. Chimis was admitted to Gottlieb’s labor and delivery unit as a vaginal…
$4 Million Jury Verdict in Birth Injury Case Caused by Failure to Timely Perform Caesarean Section; McCarthy v. Karounos
The delivery of Erin McCarthy’s daughter was stalled for about 8 hours during labor. The obstetrician taking care of McCarthy was Dr. Garry Karounos, who attempted a forceps delivery. During the forceps delivery attempt, the baby’s shoulder got stuck on the mom’s pelvic bone. Dr. Karounos applied various maneuvers to…
$1 Million Settlement After Excessive Traction Causes Shoulder Dystocia Injury at Birth
In this confidential settlement reached by the family of a newborn and obstetrician, the mother was to deliver her baby at 37 weeks gestation. The mom was admitted to the hospital to deliver the baby. During the second stage of labor, she experienced exhaustion while pushing. The treating obstetrician used a vacuum…
$3.9 Million Settlement Reached in Late Caesarean Section Causing Serious Birth Injuries
Throughout the pregnancy of Ms. Doe, she received prenatal care at a hospital’s clinic. She underwent ultrasound tests that showed that she had two gestational ages for her baby, each a week apart. During the third trimester, Ms. Doe was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and her treating physicians told her that she…
Cook County Jury Sides with Doctors and Hospital in Infant’s Fatal Aspiration of Formula Case
Caden Glynn was born at 26 weeks, 5 days of gestation at Rush-Copley Medical Center in Aurora, Ill. His early birth was attributed to his mother’s preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. The HELLP syndrome is an acronym for hemolysis, the breaking down of red blood cells, EL for elevated liver enzymes…
Jury Sides With Doctor in Case of Newborn Who Suffered Meconium Aspiration at Birth
Isabella Calcagno was born on June 17, 2002. She was born with meconium aspiration at the University of Illinois Medical Center (UIC) in Chicago. She was in the hospital for three weeks while she was treated for meconium aspiration syndrome. The defendant, Dr. Amrit Thandi, was a second-year resident at…