This was a case involving claims of birth injury and medical negligence-wrongful death. Plaintiffs Abraham J. Eoff and Crystal M. Eoff, on behalf of Sophee R. Eoff, deceased, appealed the trial court’s judgment entered in favor of the defendant, Jennifer K. McDonald, D.O. and Seasons Healthcare for Women, P.C., following…
Articles Posted in Birth Injury
State Supreme Court Reverses Dismissal of Obstetrics Case That Had Been Dismissed for Claimed Pre-suit Unqualified Medical Expert
Shunteria McIntyre, 20, received prenatal care from Dr. Orlando Muniz. Over a three-month period, she lost 26 pounds and complained of nausea and vomiting while visiting Dr. Muniz. She suffered additional weight loss later as well. After eventually delivering a still-born baby, McIntyre died at her home. The cause was…
$47 Million Jury Verdict for Negligent Bandaging of Newborn’s Head
A premature Baby Doe, at 30 weeks’ gestation, was delivered at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center. Shortly after her birth, Baby Doe was diagnosed as having a right-sided cephalohematoma, which was confirmed by a CT scan. A cephalohematoma is a collection of blood that occurs underneath the skin in the periosteum…
Timely Use of Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH) Inspires Oxygen in Newborns Suffering from Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
More than a few studies have been conclusive showing that infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy have benefited when cooled to a temperature of 30 degrees Centigrade in a median time of 58 minutes. The cooling of newborns inspired oxygen requirements in a test involving six infants diagnosed with HIE. Five of…
$1.83 Million Jury Verdict for Failure to Timely Treat Jaundice Leading to Cerebral Palsy of Newborn
Two weeks after Baby Doe’s premature birth, she developed signs of jaundice. Seven hours later, a check of her bilirubin revealed a severely elevated level of 29. The attending doctor ordered retesting of the bilirubin level but did not order any treatment. Hours later, when a second bilirubin test showed…
$40.26 Million Jury Verdict for Paralyzed Infant Following Negligent Breech Delivery
Grayson Charlton, a twin, was in the breech position at the time of her delivery at Delaware County Memorial Hospital. The treating obstetrician, Dr. Steven Troy, allegedly applied traction to deliver Grayson, resulting in a popping sound. After the delivery, Grayson was diagnosed as having suffered a spinal cord injury…
Recent Study Shows That Medical Malpractice Non-economic Damage Caps Do Not Affect the Number of Cesarean Section Deliveries
Illinois is not one of the many states that have enacted non-economic damage caps on medical malpractice lawsuits. However, Illinois lawmakers have three times voted to enact such laws; each was found unconstitutional for a variety of reasons. According to a paper completed by Rutgers Law School Professor Sabrina Safrin,…
$5 Million Confidential Settlement for Birth Injury in Failure to Treat Group B Strep Infection
In this confidential settlement, the case arose after Ms. Doe was admitted to a hospital in pre-term labor at 29 weeks gestation. During her 39-hour admission, she received medication to prevent a premature delivery. The hospital staff then discharged her. One day later, laboratory results revealed that she had an…
Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Dismissal of Lawsuit Alleging Birth Defects In Utero Caused by Father’s Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
Sarina Finzer and Jeremy Hardison were born with severe birth defects. Their disabilities were claimed to have been caused in utero by their fathers’ exposure to toxic chemical fumes and airborne substances during their employment at Motorola Inc.’s semiconductor manufacturing plants in Arizona and Texas. The parents of these children…
$23.13 Million Verdict Entered for Brain Damage Caused by Untimely Blood Transfusion to Newborn
Rebecca Kerrins, 38, was admitted to Palos Community Hospital in the Chicago suburb to deliver her second child. Following labor, she reported feeling a gush of blood. This was later diagnosed as a placental abruption. Because of the placental abruption, her daughter lost up to 60% of her blood supply…